About ZXT

A CNC (Computer Numerical Control) cutting machine with digital knives is a type of cutting machine that uses a computer-controlled cutting tool to precisely cut materials such as foam, rubber, plastics, composites, textiles, and other soft materials. The cutting tool is typically a vibrating blade, also known as a digital knife, which oscillates at high speeds to cut through the material. What’s more, the cutting process is enabled by uploading of pre-programmed designs or Computer Aided Design files into the machine software that is translated into instructions controlling the tool’s movements along the x-, y-, and z axes. This technology enables fabricators to easily meet tight deadlines while ensuring intricate designs can be crafted from diverse soft materials!

When it comes to the world of manufacturing, cutting is often a crucial step in the process. For years, laser cutting machines have remained a popular choice for cutting a variety of materials. However, the rise of the digital knife cutting machine has brought a new set of advantages to the table. Unlike laser cutting, digital knife cutting machines use blades to cut through materials like foam, leather, and even corrugated cardboard. This opens up a world of possibilities for manufacturers, allowing for more precise cuts and tighter corners. Additionally, digital knife cutting machines are often able to operate at faster speeds than laser cutting machines, making them a more efficient choice for manufacturers looking to increase productivity.

As a professional Digital Knife CNC Cutting Machine Manufacturer, we really would love to work with you while providing effective one-stop solutions to your cutting demands on different industries, such as advertising products cutting, package box cutting, composite materials cutting, soft gasket cutting, etc.

  • You can get flexible MOQ service from us so as to make the budget fit your demands on cutting the materials .
  • You may get relatively competitive prices here while the quality can definitely be guaranteed at the same time.
  • You can count on us to handle bidding offers from the local government for larger purchase demands.

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ZXT CNC Oscillating Knife Cutter Ship To Algeria

This order was fulfilled for shipment on Dec.17, 2022, to Algeria. All of the digital knife-cutting machines were packed in good condition as requested, and we confirmed delivery to the address provided.

CNC Digital Knife Cutting Machine Shipped To Mexico

A Mexican customer of ours just placed an order from ZXT and it was fulfilled for shipment on Feb. 6, 2023. You can take a look at the wooden package outside while you don’t need to worry about its safety during the shipping process.

Order Sent From ZXT Factory To India

On May 5, 2023, we just successfully accomplished the order from our factory to a CNC Cutting Machine wholesaler in India. You can see the real status of cargo loading completely and the machine is ready for shipment.

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What You Can Get From ZXT’s CNC Cutter


Leveraging state-of-the-art German technology and meeting both European and Japanese industrial standards, we’ve cemented our quality management system with ISO9001 & QS 9000 & CE certifications. Our robust research enables us to custom manufacture products according to your specific needs – now consistently of the highest caliber!

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